Dryland Tree and Shrub Establishment

Image of the flower from a desert shrub, Apache Plume provides an example of a desert riparian plant that can be revegetated using hydrogels.

Dryland tree and shrub establishment can be tricky because young seedlings and transplants need to stay moist. In EPISODE 10  we look at simple strategies you can use to ensure your dryland plantings live, grow, and feed your soil.  These strategies protect biodiversity and help restore the environmental cornerstone of healthy food systems. Wondering if dryland … Read more

Remembering the Past With Yerba de Alonso Garcia


 Did Native Americans Name Good Plants after Good People? My friend Andrea once told me that early Americans, like the Navajo and the Apache, named plants with beneficial properties after people they liked. It was sort of a way to compliment the good people in their lives.  She added that snakes, flies, and mosquitoes might be … Read more