
Biodiversity is one key to low cost farming

Growing Solutions for Healthy Soil

Crop and Soil Health Testing · Microbial Analysis ·

Research Collaboration · Training

We work with scientists and product developers to evaluate crop and soil responses to various nutritional, biological, or biostimulant products. Our lab can perform direct microbial cell counts, soil microbial functional analysis, soil health testing, and greenhouse bioassays.


Shows a grower discussing soil health

Crop and Soil Health

Crop nutrition and soil health investigations

Microbial Analysis

Direct cell counts, substrate induced respiration, and other soil life indicators.

Training and Outreach

Click below, or look for the Cornerstones of Healthy Food Systems on your favorite podcast app.

Soil Health Matters for Everyone.

Our Cornerstones site and online classes offer articles, podcasts, and courses that can help people from all walks of life connect agriculture and microbiology to pervasive questions about healthy and prosperous living.

Shows a do-it-yourself grower

Online Classes

Learn about soil health, microbial analysis, and more. Study when you want, where you want.

Actively Growing Microbial Communities are Key to Healthy Soil

When you embrace biological farming, you put billions of little minions (we call them microbes) to work growing solutions for healthy soils.

These little guys store water in the soil.

They destroy pests.

They emit irresistible aromas that attract pollinators and other good insects.

They work 24/7 without asking for pension plans, paid vacations, 401 K’s, or workman’s comp. 

Their only real demands are that you minimize your tillage, and lay off all those “-cides.”.

– M. Lucero, PhD